Bahrun, Aulina Nur (2022) Perbedaan Oral Hygiene dan Pola Makan Pada Perawatan Ortodonti Cekat dengan Teknik Edgewise dan Straightwire = Oral Hygiene and Diet Differences in Patient with Fixed Orthodontic Treatment using The Edgewise and Straightwire Techniques. Thesis thesis, Universitas Hasanuddin.
Kurniati, Andi (2022) Perbandingan Perlekatan Streptococcus Mutans Pada Braket Metal-Keramik Dengan Archwire Ortodonti Coated – Uncoated: Studi In Vitro = The Comparison of Streptococcus Mutans Adhesion to Metal and Ceramic Brackets with Coated and Uncoated Nickel Titanium Orthodhontic Archwire: In Vitro Study. Thesis thesis, Universitas Hasanuddin.
Putera, Andi Gerwyn Dewanta (2022) Perubahan Jaringan Keras dan Jaringan Lunak Dentokraniofasial pada Perawatan Ortodonti Anak Usia Tumbuh Kembang Menggunakan Peranti Myofungsional Prefabricated Myobrace = The Hard and Soft Tissue Dentocraniofacial Changes in Orthodontic Treatment of Children on Developmental Periode Using Prefabricated Myofunctional Appliances Myobrace. Thesis thesis, Universitas Hasanuddin.