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Abstract (Abstrak)
RAKHMAT NUR ADHI. Eksklusi Sosial Pekerja Prekariat: Studi Kasus Pekerja Kontrak dan Outsourcing di Kawasan Industri Makassar (dibimbing oleh M. Ramli AT. Dan Sawedi Muhammad).
Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi dan menganalisis dua hal, yaitu implementasi undang-undang dan peraturan ketenagakerjaan yang ada terhadap pekerja prekariat serta proses dan dampak eksklusi sosial bagi pekerja prekariat. Metode yang digunakan ialah kualitatif dengan strategi penelitian studi kasus. Informan sebanyak 11 orang yang terdiri atas 7 pekerja kontrak dan outsourcing, akademisi, pengurus serikat buruh, pihak agensi outsourcing, dan perwakilan perusahaan. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui wawancara mendalam, observasi, dan studi dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat celah dalam peraturan yang sering dimanfaatkan oleh perusahaan untuk mendapatkan tenaga kerja kontrak atau outsourcing secara terus-menerus. Para pekerja kerap menerima pemulihan atau peralihan status dan durasi kerja sepihak hingga status magang. Selain itu, rentan terjadi perselisihan hak akibat pemotongan upah atau tunjangan yang tidak dibayarkan. Eksklusi sosial yang dialami pekerja berkaitan dengan ketidakseimbangan posisi mereka dengan pemberi kerja dipengaruhi tingkat pendidikan, ekonomi, dan psikologi. Akses dan kesempatan kerja yang terbatas turut berpengaruh pada ketidakseimbangan dalam perjanjian kerja. Pada dimensi ekonomi, eksklusi berkaitan dengan upah rendah yang menyebabkan para informan kesulitan memenuhi kebutuhan hidup serta aspek penting, seperti pendidikan anak dan kesehatan. Status kontrak membuat mereka tidak menerima pesangon dan jaminan yang memadai. Pada dimensi sosial, eksklusi dipengaruhi minat berserikat yang rendah akibat kurangnya informasi akan adanya serikat buruh, beban kerja tinggi, ketentuan iuran, dan advokasi yang bersifat transaksional. Pada dimensi politik, serikat buruh secara keseluruhan juga jarang dilibatkan dalam perumusan peraturan.
Kata kunci: eksklusi sosial, pekerja prekariat, fleksibilitas kerja.
RAKHMAT NUR ADHI. Social Exclusion of Precariat Workers: A Case Study of Contract and Outsourcing Workers in Makassar Industrial Area (supervised by M. Ramli AT, and Sawedi Muhammad).
The research aims to identify and elaborate two things, namely the implementation of existing labour acts and regulations for the precariat workers. The research used the qualitative method with the case study research strategy. There were 11 informants in the research consisting of 7 contract and outsourcing workers, and 4 of them were the academician, trade union official, outsourcing agency, and company representative. Data were collected using the in-depth interview, observation, and documentary study. The research result indicate that there are the loopholes in the regulations being often exploited by the companies to obtain the contract or outsourced workers on an ongoing basis. The workers often receive bleaching or a unilateral change in their status and duration of work, up to apprenticeship status. Moreover, their rights are also prone to disputes due to deductions of the wages or unpaid benefits. The social exclusion experienced by workers is related to the imbalance in their position with the employers which is influenced by the education level, economy, and psychology. The limited access and employment opportunities also affect the imbalance in the work agreements. On the economic dimension, the exclusion is related to the low wages causing it to be difficult for the informants to fulfil their life needs as well as important aspects such as children's education and health. Their contractual status deprives them of the adequate severance pay and guarantees. On the social dimension, the exclusion is influenced by the low association interest due to the lack of informant on the existence of the trade union, high workload, contribution provision, and transactional advocacy. On the political dimension, the trade union as a unit is rarely involved in formulating the regulations.
Key words: social exclusion, precariat workers, work flexibility.
Item Type: | Thesis (Thesis) |
Subjects: | H Social Sciences > H Social Sciences (General) |
Depositing User: | Nasyir Nompo |
Date Deposited: | 15 Nov 2024 02:09 |
Last Modified: | 15 Nov 2024 02:09 |
URI: | |