Nurtiti Sunusi, - and Ankaz As Sikib, - and Sumanta Pasari, - A novel hybrid CLARA and fuzzy time series Markov chain model for predicting air pollution in Jakarta. MethodsX 14 (2025) 103202.
Nurtiti Sunusi, - and Giarno, - and Muflihah, - and Nurul Azizah Muzakir, - Return Levels on Stationary Extreme Rainfall Series: A Comparative Study of Generalized Extreme Value and Generalized Pareto Distributions. Environment and Ecology Research 12(2): 109-120, 2024.
Nurtiti Sunusi, - and Nur Hikmah Auliana, - Assessing SPI and SPEI for drought forecasting through the power law process: A case study in South Sulawesi, Indonesia. MethodsX 14 (2025) 103235.
Nurtiti Sunusi, - and Nur Hikmah Auliana, - and Andi Kresna Jaya, - and Siswanto, - and Erna Tri Herdiani, - Mapping Meteorological Drought Periods in South Sulawesi Using the Standardized Precipitation Index with the Power Law Process Model. Journal of Environmental & Earth Sciences | Volume 07 | Issue 01 | January 2025.