Zaenab Muslimin, - and Muhammad Arief Wicaksono, - Control and Monitoring of Household Load Electricity Consumption based on Antares Platforms. AIP Conference Proceedings 2543, 040009 (2022).
Indar Chaerah Gunadin, - and Syafaruddin, - and Zaenab Muslimin, - and Yusran, - and Suwandi, - and Muh. Adnan, - Pengaruh Penetrasi Industri Smelter Terhadap Kualitas Daya pada Sistem Interkoneksi Sulseltrabar. Prosiding 2016 Seminar Ilmiah Nasional Sains dan Teknologi Ke-2 Volume : Desember 2016. ISSN 2548-6047
Zaenab Muslimin, - and Riskiani, - and Indar Chaerah Gunadin, - and Agus Siswanto, - Study of Distributed Static Compensator (D-STATCOM) Installation in Makassar Electrical Energy Distribution System. AIP Conference Proceedings 2543, 040019 (2022).
Indar Chaerah Gunadin, - and Nurul Khaerunnisa Hasmudi, - and Zaenab Muslimin, - and Agus Siswanto, - Study of the Placement of STATCOM in the South Sulawesi Transmission System after the Integration of PLTB Sidrap and Jeneponto. AIP Conference Proceedings 2543, 040023 (2022).