Zulvikar Syambani Ulhaq, - and Yuliono Trika Nur Hasan, - and Nanang Khulafa’ur Rosyidin, - and Lola Ayu Istifani, - and Syafrizal Aji Pamungkas, - and Gita Vita Soraya, - (2023) A systematic proteomic profiling and pathway analysis of protein biomarkers in diabetic retinopathy with subsequent validation of the IL-6 upstream regulator. Journal of Diabetes & Metabolic Disorders.
Zulvikar Syambani Ulhaqa, - and Ferry Nur Nasyroh, - and Amalia Nur Aisa, - and Achmad Arief Hidayatullah, - and Lola Ayu Istifiani, - and Syafrizal Aji Pamungkas, - and Achmad Rilyadi Sholeh, - and Gita Vita Sorayaf, - The Impact of Online vs Blended Clinical Skill Laboratory Learning on Student Academic Performance: A Case Study in Indonesia. American Journal of Medicine Open 10 (2023) 100054.