Sulistiani Jarre, - and Indah raya, - and Prihantono Prihantono, - and Rugaiyah Arfah, - and Maming Gappa, - and St. Fauziah, - and Santi Santi, - and Rizal Irfandi, - (2023) Synthesis, characterization, potential anticancer activity, and molecular docking studies of Fe(II)Prolinedithiocarbamate complex on MCF-7 breast cancer cell lines. Egypt. J. Chem Vol 66 no.66 pp.61-67.
Sulistiani Jarre, - and Indah Raya, - and Prihantono, - and Santi Santi, - (2022) Synthesis, characterization, molecular docking studies of Mn(II) Prolinedithiocarbamate and its potential as anticancer agents. Molecular Diversity.