Items where Author is "Sukri Palutturi, -"

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Irwanty Parura, - and Darmawansyah, - and Sukri Palutturi, - and Amran Razak, - and Stang, - and Atjo Wahyu, - (2022) ANALYSIS OF FACTORS AFFECTING DELAYS IN FINANCIAL REPORTING OF HEALTH OPERATIONAL ASSISTANCE AT PUBLIC HEALTH CENTERS IN JAYAWIJAYA REGENCY. Turkish Journal of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation; 32(3). ISSN ISSN 2651-4451 | e-ISSN 2651-446X

Nurul Syahriani, - and Sukri Palutturi, - and Agus Bintara Birawida, - and Healthy Hidayanty, - (2022) Clean Water Supply as an Indicator for Healthy Island in Makassar City. Journal of Medical Sciences.

Irwanty Parura, - and Darmawansyah, - and Sukri Palutturi, - and Amran Razak, - and Stang, - and Atjo Wahyu, - (2021) Analysis Of Factors Affecting Delays In Financial Reporting Of Health Operational Assistance At Public Health Centers In Jayawijaya Regency. Turkish Journal of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation.

Ance Tatogo, - and Sukri Palutturi, - and Darmawansyah, - and Amran Razak, - and Yahya Thamrin, - and Muh Asdar, - (2021) Analysis of Factors Related to Performance of Midwife in Antenatal Care Services at the Community Health Center of Jayawijaya Regency. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education.

Januar Ariyanto, - and Sukri Palutturi, - and Syamsiar S Russeng, - and Agus Bintara Birawida, - and Warsinggih warsinggih, - and Lilin Rosyanti, - (2021) Control of the Risk of Musculoskeletal Disorders in the Food Industry: Systematic Review. Annals of R.S.C.B., ISSN:1583-6258, Vol. 25, Issue 1, 2021,.

Joksan Fnoath Letelay, - and Sukri Palutturi, - and Darmawansyah, - and Indar, - and Aminuddin Syam, - and Anwar Daud, - (2021) Factors Affecting The Quality Of Services In The Maluku Province Of Health Laboratory During The Covid-19 Pandemic. Turkish Journal of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation.

Hamzah, - and Fatmawati, - and Hafiz Elfiansyah Parawu, - and Sukri Palutturi, - (2021) The Implementation of Participation Principle in Providing Free Education in Gowa Regency, Indonesia. PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION.

Rio Aristo Birawa, - and Muhammad Alwy Arifin, - and Amran Razak, - and Sukri Palutturi, - and Rahmatia Yunus, - and Syamsiar S Russeng, - (2021) Influence Of Accessibility On Health Service Preferences In The Informal Sector In The Era Of The Covid-19 Pandemic In Makassar City. Turkish Journal of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation;.

Theresia Falentina Resubun, - and Ridwan Amiruddin, - and Sukri Palutturi, - and Muhammad Syafar, - and Pandu Riono, - and Pawennari Hijjang, - and Ridwan Mochtar Thaha, - and Darmawansyah, - (2021) Model of Collaboration Satu Tungku Tiga Batu in the HIV AIDS Prevention Program in Jayapura City, Papua Province. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education.

Fajrillah Kolomboy, - and Sukri Palutturi, - and Fridawaty Rivai, - and , Lalu Muhammad Saleh, - and Ridwan Amiruddin, - (2021) Nurses' Perceptions Of Leadership Styles Among Nurse Managers In Palu Anutapura Hospital. Turkish Journal of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation.

Fajrillah Kolomboy, - and Sukri Palutturi, - and Fridawaty Rivai, - and Lalu Muhammad Saleh, - and Masudin Masudin, - and Ridwan Amiruddin, - (2021) Spiritual-Based Transformational Leadership Style at Anutapura Regional General Hospital, Palu. Journal of Medical Sciences.

Titin Nasiatin, - and Wiwik Eko Pertiwi, - and Dina Lusiana Setyowati, - and Sukri Palutturi, - (2021) The roles of health-promoting media in the clean and healthy living behavior of elementary school students. Elsevier.

Adriana Saleng, - and Darmawansyah, - and Muhammad Alwy Arifin, - and Sukri Palutturi, - and Nurhaedar Jafar, - and Syamsuddin Wadi, - and Hasanuddin Ishak, - (2020) Analysis Of Differences In The Quality Of Health Services In Main Accreditation And Basic Accreditation Community Health Center In Tana Toraja Regency. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology.

Jakobis Lewier, - and Darmawansyah, - and Muhammad Alwy Arifin, - and Sukri Palutturi, - and Anwar Mallongi, - and M. Furqan, - and Dian Saputra Marzuki, - (2020) Analysis of Drug Logistics Planning at Medical Management Agency in Ambon City Health Office (Qualitative study). Medico-Legal Update An International Journal.

Supriadi, - and Emmy Putri Wahyuni, - and Hilda, - and Rizky Setiadi, - and Sukri Palutturi, - (2020) The Association between SBAR (situation, background, assessment, recommendation) Communication Methods with Patients’ Safety Culture Application in A.W. Sjahranie Hospital Samarinda. Journal of Arts & Humanities.

Junedi Sitorus, - and Nurhaedar Jafar, - and Ridwan Amiruddin, - and Sukri Palutturi, - and Veni Hadju, - and Owildan Wisudawan B, - (2020) Characteristics of Outpatient Pre Diabetes Dr. Dody Sarjoto Hospital, Maros Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development.

Hafidah Amiruddin, - and Ansariadi Ansariadi, - and Sukri Palutturi, - and M. Wahidin, - and Abdul Rahman Akmal, - and Zhanaz Tasya, - and Iva Hardi Yanti, - (2020) Counseling Quality of Dangerous Signs of Pregnancy Health in Work Region of Urban and Rural Puskesmas (Public Health Center) Jeneponto. Journal of Medical Sciences.

Haris N. Beddu, - and Stang, - and Sukri Palutturi, - and Masni, - and Ummu Salma, - and Yahya Thamrin, - (2020) Determinant of Preconception on Antenatal Care K1 in Pagimana Community Health Center, Banggai Regency. EAS Journal of Nursing and Midwifery.

Lamri, - and Djoko Setyadi, - and Sukisno S Riadi, - and Sugeng Hariyadi, - and Sukri Palutturi, - (2020) The Determinants of Organizational Citizenship Behaviour, Job Satisfaction and Performance of the Echelon Fourth Officials of Regional General Hospitals in East Kalimantan Province. Journal of Arts & Humanities.

Ilham Salam, - and Arsunan, A. A, - and Atjo Wahyu, - and Aminuddin Syam, - and Agus Bintara Birawida, - and Anwar Mallongi, - and Sukri Palutturi, - (2020) Dynamic Model of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever in Makassar City. European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine.

Muh. Kamri AM, - and Amran Razak, - and Anwar Daud, - and Sukri Palutturi, - and Muhammad Alwy Arifin, - and Atjo Wahyu, - (2020) The Effect of Training on the Performance of Civil Servants in Makassar's Health Training Center (BBPK). Global Academic Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences,.

Edy Slamet Kelibulin, - and Sukri Palutturi, - and Muhammad Alwy Arifin, - and Indar, - and Yahya Thamrin, - and Stang, - and Suci Rahmadani, - (2020) The Effect of Work Discipline on a Employee Performance (The Health Office Case Study of Tanimbar Island). Medico-legal Update.

Sukri Palutturi, - and Ridwan M. Thaha, - and Inayyah Nur Fitry, - (2020) The Effect of the Implementation of Makassar Healthy City Based on Capacity Building and Sustainability. Journal of Medical Sciences.

Benny Palanti, - and Hasanuddin Ishak, - and Wahiduddin, - and Hasnawati Amqam, - and Erniwati Ibrahim, - and Sukri Palutturi, - (2020) Environmental Factor Determination on Aedes Aegypti Egg Density in Endemic Areas in South Sulawesi Province. International Journal of Progressive Sciences and Technologies (IJPSAT).

Marchine Arsia Misi, - and Muhammad Alwy Arifin, - and Sukri Palutturi, - and Indar, - and Ridwan Mochtar Thaha, - and Furqaan Naiem, - and Muh. Yusri Abadi, - (2020) Evaluation of Drug Planning and Procurement at the Pharmacy Installation of Regional General Hospital Dr. M. Haulussy Ambon. Medico-legal Update.

Samna Detek, - and Sukri Palutturi, - and Muhammad Alwy Arifin, - and Amran Razak, - and Arsunan Arsin, - and Nurhayani, - and Anwar Mallongi, - (2020) Evaluation of the Ability Family Planning Center Officers in the Youth Counseling Information Center Program in South Buru Regency. Medico-legal Update.

Supriadi, - and Sri Mintarti, - and Ardi Paminto, - and Tetra Hidayati, - and Sukri Palutturi, - (2020) Factors Related To Nurses’ Job Satisfaction and Performance in Private Hospitals in Samarinda City, Indonesia. Journal of Arts & Humanities.

Asrina, - and Sukri Palutturi, - (2020) The Formation of Homosexual Behavior in South Sulawesi Province (Study on Young Homosexual in Makassar City and Bulukumba District). A multifaceted review journal in the field of pharmacy.

Inayyah Nur Fitry, - and Sukri Palutturi, - and Ridwan M. Thaha, - and Aminuddin Syam, - (2020) Impact Evaluation of Healthy City Implementation in Makassar City. Journal of Medical Sciences.

Andi Mansur Sulolipu, - and Ridwan Amiruddin, - and Sukri Palutturi, - and Ridwan M. Thaha, - and A. A. Arsunan, - (2020) The Improvement of Experiential Learning Model-Based Management in Public Health Center (Puskesmas) of Indonesia. Journal of Medical Sciences.

Imtihanah Amri, - and Ansariadi, - and Ridwan Amiruddin, - and Sukri Palutturi, - and Anwar Mallongi, - and Rosmala Nur, - and Nur Endang Sari, - (2020) The Influence of Disaster Counseling with Animation Video on Preparednes Students in Elementary School in Palu. Medico-legal Update.

Lita Astrid Tarumalesej, - and Muhammad AlwyArifin, - and Darmawansyah, - and Sukri Palutturi, - and AgusBintara Birawida, - and Muh. Yusri Abadi, - (2020) The Influence of Public Health Center Management on the Quality Public Health Center Services in Ambon City. Medico-legal Update.

Rahmat Anzari, - and Sukri Palutturi, - and Aminuddin Syam, - (2020) The Legislative Role of Universal Health Coverage Achievement in Kolaka Regency. Journal of Medical Sciences.

Sukri Palutturi, - and Lalu Muhammad Saleh, - and Muhammad Rachmat, - and Jalaluddin Abdul Malek, - (2020) Mapping healthy aisles in Makassar city, Indonesia: implications for community empowerment. Elsevier.

Aspar Abdul Gani, - and Sukri Palutturi, - and Anang S. Otoluwac, - and Nani Supriatni, - and andi Imam Arundhana Thahir, - and Veni Hadjue, - and A. Razak Thaha, - (2020) Nutritional status of children under 5 and environmental situation of the household in Banggai Regency. Elsevier.

Sukri Palutturi, - and Lalu Muhammad Salehb,, - and Muhammad Rachmat, - and Jalaluddin Abdul Malek, - and Eun Woo Name, - (2020) Principles and strategies for aisles communities empowerment in creating Makassar Healthy City, Indonesia. Elsevier.

Supriadi, - and Sri Mintarti, - and Ardi Paminto, - and Tetra Hidayati, - and Sukri Palutturi, - (2020) The Relationship between Job Characteristics and Transformational Leadership on Organization and Altruism Commitments and its Effects on Nurses’ Satisfaction and Performance in Private Hospitals of Samarinda City. South Asian Research Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences.

Hartini Muin, - and Sukri Palutturi, - and Saifuddin Sirajuddin, - and Anwar Mallongi, - and Aminuddin Syam, - (2020) User’s satisfaction about the use of simrs performance of outpatient units in nene mallomo hospital sidenreng rappang regency. Elsevier Espana.

Asri Slamet, - and Sukri Palutturi, - and Ridwan Muchtar Thaha, - (2020) The effect of human resource development on midwives’ performance in the working area of public health center of Majene District. EurAsian Journal of BioSciences.

Muhammad Alwy Arifin, - and Sukri Palutturi, - and Muh. Yusri Abadi, - and Sudirman Sudirman, - and Anwar Mallongi, - The Analysis Quality of Service with Outpatient Satisfaction Participants of Social Security Administrator in Ge’tengan Public Health Center, Tana Toraja Regency. Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences. 2022.

Mutmainnah, - and Balqis Nazaruddin, - and Muhammad Alwy Arifin, - and Sukri Palutturi, - and Furqaan Naiem, - and Ansariadi, - Analysis of Implementation Home Visit Home Care Program during the Covid-19 Pandemic in Sinjai District Health Center. NeuroQuantology | February 2022 | Volume 20 | Issue 2.

Nurul Syahriani, - and Sukri Palutturi, - Developing Concept of Healthy Island: A Systematic Review. Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences. 2021.

Syamsiar S. Russeng, - and Lalu Muhammad Saleh, - and Widya Nur Wahyulianti, - and Sukri Palutturi, - The Effect of Age and Workload on Work Posture toward Musculoskeletal Disorders Complain on Loading and Unloading Workers. Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences. 2021.

Mardhiah, - and Sukri Palutturi, - and Baharuddin, - and Yusriadi Yusriadi, - and Abdul Rahman, - The Effect of Competence and Management Quality on the Effectiveness of Using Medical Equipment through Electromedical Performance at Makassar City Hospital. Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management Sao Paulo, Brazil, April 5 - 8, 2021.

Muria Helina, - and Novi Hendrika Jayaputra, - and Sukri Palutturi, - Health Behavior of Adolescent Smokers During Covid-19 Pandemic. Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences. 2021.

Rosdiana Syakur, - and Aminuddin Syam, - and Veni Hadju, - and Sukri Palutturi, - The Impact Of Maternal Zinc Supplementation On Pregnancy Outcomes And Maternal Serum Zinc : A Systematic Review. Nat. Volatiles & Essent. Oils, 2021; 8(4): 8301-8313.

Ilham Salam, - and A. Arsunan Arsin, - and Atjo Wahyu, - and Agus Bintara Birawida, - and Aminuddin Syam, - and Anwar Mallongi, - and Sukri Palutturi, - and Farid Agushybana, - and Aisyah Aisyah, - and Ahmad Yani, - and Muhammad Akbar Nurdin, - and Rezki Elisafitri, - Modeling Dynamic System for Prediction of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever in Maros District. Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences. 2021.

Siti Fadia Chairunnisa, - and Darmawansyah, - and Sukri Palutturi, - PENGARUH BRAND IMAGE TERHADAP KEPUTUSAN MENGGUNAKAN PELAYANAN RAWAT JALAN RSUD HAJI MAKASSAR. Hasanuddin Journal of Public Health Volume 3 Issue 2 | June 2022.

Ahmad Yani, - and Sukri Palutturi, - and Ridwan Amiruddin, - and Sudirman Nasir, - and Asmin Fransiska, - and Aminuddin Syam, - and Yahya Thamrin, - and Intan Sari Areni, - and Rajindra Rajindra, - and Anto J. Hadi, - Prevention of Drug Use in Early Adolescents in Palu City, Indonesia. Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences. 2022.

Miranti Miranti, - and A. Arsunan Arsin, - and Ridwan Amiruddin, - and Veny Hadju, - and Atjo Wahyu, - and Sukri Palutturi, - and Muhammad Basir-Cyio, - and Muhammad Sabir, - and Diah Mutiarasari, - and Haerani Harun, - and Rahma Rahma, - and Rosa Dwi Wahyuni, - and Ketut Suarayasa, - Sanitation and Multiple Micronutrient Supplementation in Pregnancy Outcomes: Literature Review. Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences. 2022.

Fatma Nuraisyah, - and Hari Kusnanto, - and Sukri Palutturi, - and Nova Nurlaily, - and Panggita Adistiyapuri, - and Apriyana Irjayanti, - and Wahida Mapandin, - and Vidya Aries Anggraini, - and Rochana Ruliyandari, - and Sugiarto, - The Spatial Analysis for Malaria Surveillance in Yogyakarta Special Region, Indonesia : A Cross Sectional Study.

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