Cindy Kristina Enggi, - and Hansel Tridatmojo Isa, - and Sulistiawati Sulistiawati, - and Komang Agus Rai Ardika, - and Stevens Wijaya, - and Rangga Meidianto Asri, - and Sandra Aulia Mardikasari, - and Ryan F. Donnelly, - and Andi Dian Permana, - (2021) Development of thermosensitive and mucoadhesive gels of cabotegravir for enhanced permeation and retention profiles in vaginal tissue: A proof of concept study. International Journal of Pharmaceutics.
Sarah A. Stewart, - and David Waitea, - and Juan Domínguez-Robles, - and Emma McAlister, - and Andi Dian Permana, - and Ryan F. Donnelly, - and Eneko Larraneta, - (2021) HPLC method for levothyroxine quantification in long-acting drug delivery systems. Validation and evaluation of bovine serum albumin as levothyroxine stabilizer. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis.
Alejandro J. Paredes, - and Fabiana Volpe-Zanutto, - and Lalitkumar K. Vora, - and Ismaiel A. Tekko, - and Andi Dian Permana, - and Camila J. Picco, - and Helen O. McCarthy, - and Ryan F. Donnelly, - Systemic delivery of tenofovir alafenamide using dissolving and implantable microneedle patches. Materials Today Bio 2022.
Sulistiawati, - and Cindy Kristina Enggi, - and Hansel Tridatmojo Isa, - and Stevens Wijaya, - and Komang Agus Rai Ardika, - and Rangga Meidianto Asri, - and Ryan F. Donnelly, - and Andi Dian Permana, - Validation of spectrophotometric method to quantify cabotegravir in simulated vaginal fluid and porcine vaginal tissue in ex vivo permeation and retention studies from thermosensitive and mucoadhesive gels. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 2021.