Nurdin Hinding, - and Nurtiti Sunusi, - and Yuni Syahrani, - and Harry Maulana Buhari, - (2025) Development of navigation systems in optimal utilization of transportation routes in topology helm graphs using graph labeling. Edelweiss Applied Science and Technology Vol. 9, No. 1, 481-492 x.
Nur Hikmah Auliana, - and Nurtiti Sunusi, - and Erna Tri Herdiani, - (2024) Analysis of meteorological drought periods based on the Standardized Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index (SPEI) using the Power Law Process approach. AIMS Environmental Science, 11(5): 682–702..
Nurtiti Sunusi, - and Giarno, - and Muflihah, - and Sumanta Pasari, - (2024) Cluster analysis of rainfall patterns in Mamminasata: Validation of climate hazards group infrared precipitation with station dataset using observational comparisons. Edelweiss Applied Science and Technology ISSN: 2576-8484 Vol. 8, No. 6, 9555-9567 2024.
Anna Islamiyati, - and Anisa Kalondeng, - and Nurtiti Sunusi, - and Muhammad Zakir, - and Amir Kamal Amir, - (2022) Biresponse nonparametric regression model in principal component analysis with truncated spline estimator. Journal of King Saud University – Science.
Hadijah, - and Anna Islamiyati, - and Nurtiti Sunusi, - (2021) Estimation of Quantile Nonparametric Regression Model with Linear Penalized Spline. International Journal of Academic and Applied Research (IJAAR). ISSN 2643-9603
Trigarcia Maleachi Randa, - and Georgina Maria Tinungki, - and Nurtiti Sunusi, - Application Of Lasso And Lasso Quantile Regression In The Identification Of Factors Affecting Poverty Levels In Central Java. International Journal of Academic and Applied Research (IJAAR) l. 6 Issue 4, April - 2022, Pages:350-353.
Nurtiti Sunusi, - and Nur Hikmah Auliana, - Assessing SPI and SPEI for drought forecasting through the power law process: A case study in South Sulawesi, Indonesia. MethodsX 14 (2025) 103235.
Nurtiti Sunusi, - and Giarno, - Bias of automatic weather parameter measurement in monsoon area, a case study in Makassar Coast. AIMS Environmental Science, 10(1): 1–15..
Nirwan Ilyas, - and Nurtiti Sunusi, - and Siswanto, - and Anosa Kalondeng, - and Hedi Kuswanto, - Circulation Analysis and Forecasting of Fuel Sales Using the Backpropagation Artificial Neural Network Method. J. Math. Comput. Sci. 2022,.
Nurdin Hinding, - and Amir Kamal Amir, - and Jusmawati Massalesse, - and Nurtiti Sunusi, - and Amil Ahmad Ilham, - and Ali Ahmad, - and Muhammad Kamran Siddiq, - and Cahyudi Gratio, - and Mutmainnah Muhtar Jaya, - and Nur Annisa Syaron, - Determination of the Grid-Shaped Transportation Network's Optimization Value via Graph Labelling. Journal of Advanced Research in Applied Sciences and Engineering Technology 57, Issue 1 (2026) 306-315.
Nurtiti Sunusi, - and Nur Hikmah Auliana, - and Andi Kresna Jaya, - and Siswanto, - and Erna Tri Herdiani, - Mapping Meteorological Drought Periods in South Sulawesi Using the Standardized Precipitation Index with the Power Law Process Model. Journal of Environmental & Earth Sciences | Volume 07 | Issue 01 | January 2025.
Nurdin Hinding, - and Hye Kyung Kim, - and Nurtiti Sunusi, - and Riskawaty Mise, - On Total Vertex Irregularity Strength of Hexagonal Cluster Graphs. International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences Volume 2021, Year 2021.
Nurtiti Sunusi, - and Giarno, - and Muflihah, - and Nurul Azizah Muzakir, - Return Levels on Stationary Extreme Rainfall Series: A Comparative Study of Generalized Extreme Value and Generalized Pareto Distributions. Environment and Ecology Research 12(2): 109-120, 2024.
Ummul Auliyah Syam, - and Siswanto Siswanto, - and Nurtiti Sunusi, - Robust spatial Durbin modelling on tuberculosis data using the MM-estimator method. STATISTICS IN TRANSITION new series, June 2024 Vol. 25, No. 2,.
Nurul Azizah Muzakir, - and Nurtiti Sunusi, - and Sri Astuti Thamrin, - Stochastic Model of the Annual Maximum Rainfall Series Using Probability Distributions. Malaysian Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences, Vol. 19 (2023) 827-839.
Nurtiti Sunusi, - and Ankaz As Sikib, - and Sumanta Pasari, - A novel hybrid CLARA and fuzzy time series Markov chain model for predicting air pollution in Jakarta. MethodsX 14 (2025) 103202.