Nurdin Hinding, - and Amir Kamal Amir, - and Jusmawati Massalesse, - and Nurtiti Sunusi, - and Amil Ahmad Ilham, - and Ali Ahmad, - and Muhammad Kamran Siddiq, - and Cahyudi Gratio, - and Mutmainnah Muhtar Jaya, - and Nur Annisa Syaron, - Determination of the Grid-Shaped Transportation Network's Optimization Value via Graph Labelling. Journal of Advanced Research in Applied Sciences and Engineering Technology 57, Issue 1 (2026) 306-315.
Isminarti, - and Amil Ahmad Ilham, - and Syafaruddin, - and Ardiaty Arief, - Modeling and Simulation of Long Range (LoRa) Communication System on Smart Grid. 2022 Seventh International Conference on Informatics and Computing.
Ayu Azizah, - and Amil Ahmad Ilham, - and Syafaruddin, - Spatial Analysis of the Spread of Tuberculosis Cases Based on Socio-Economic Factors Using Distance-Based Algorithm. 2022 International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Informatics (ICELTICs).