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Abstract (Abstrak)
Arham. Konstruksi pengetahun petani kopi tentang perubahan iklim dan status kerentanan mereka pada perubahan lansekap local desa. (Dibimbing oleh Darmawan Salman, Kaimuddin, Muhammad Alief KS)
Latar Belakang. Komunitas petani kopi di Indonesia terkena dampak langsung perubahan iklim. Ketidakpastian waktu dan distribusi curah hujan yang tidak menentu menyulitkan petani untuk menentukan pilihan pengelolaan yang tepat pada lahan pertaniannya. Dibutuhkan penyesuaian pengetahuan tentang cara pengelolaan pertanian terhadap dampak perubahan iklim. Tujuan. Peneilitian ini bertujuan untuk 1) Menganalisis konstruksi pengetahuan atas perubahan iklim pada petani kopi; 2) Menganalisis status kerentanan petani terhadap dampak perubahan iklim; dan 3) Menganalisis peran aktor dan strategi adaptasi terhadap perubahan iklim dalam pengaruhnya terhadap lanskap desa. Metode. Penelitian menggabungkan bentuk metode kuantitatif dan kualitatif untuk lebih memahami isu dengan mengartikulasikan data kualitatif. Hasil. Konstruksi pengetahuan petani dipengaruhi oleh warisan pengetahuan dari orangtua, pengalaman dan diskusi antar petani. Status kerentanan petani Desa Kahayya dan Kelurahan Borong Rappoa adalah sedang 0,05 dan 0,07. Perubahan iklim pada konteks sosio-ekologi usahatani kopi juga membawa efek perubahan pada lanskap lokal. Efek perubahan pada lanskap lokal tersebut mencakup pertambahan luasan tanaman kopi, peralihan tanaman semusim menjadi tanaman kopi, dan berkembangnya beberapa titik ekowisata. Kesimpulan. Konstruksi pengetahuan tentang perubahan iklim yang dibangun petani melatari status kerentanan perubahan iklim. Kerentanan akibat perubahan iklim terkembang melalui pemahaman atas kekuatan dan kelemahan internal lokalitas serta peluang dan ancaman dari aspek-aspek non-local. Upaya mengatasi kerentanan harus melihat hubungan sosio-ekologis petani untuk mengakomodasi pengetahuan lokal tentang pergeseran ekologi dan nilai sosial-budaya pada masyarakat.
Arham. Construction of coffee farmers' knowledge about climate change and their vulnerability status in changes to the local village landscape. (Supervised by Darmawan Salman, Kaimuddin, Muhammad Alief KS)
Background. Coffee farming communities in Indonesia are directly impacted by climate change. The uncertainty of the timing and erratic distribution of rainfall makes it difficult for farmers to determine appropriate management options for their agricultural land. It requires knowledge reconstruction about how to manage agriculture to the impacts of climate change. Aims. This research aims to 1) Analyze the construction of knowledge regarding climate change among coffee farmers; 2) Analyze the status of farmers' vulnerability to the impacts of climate change; and 3) Analyze the role of actors and adaptation strategies to climate change and their impact on the village landscape. Method. The research combines quantitative and qualitative methods to better understand issues by articulating qualitative data. Results. The construction of farmer knowledge is influenced by inherited knowledge from parents, experience and discussions between farmers. The vulnerability status of farmers in Kahayya Village and Borong Rappoa Village is medium (0.05 and 0.07). Climate change in the socio-ecological context of coffee farming also has a changing effect on the local landscape. The effects of changes on the local landscape include an increase in the area of coffee plantations, the transition of annual crops to coffee plantations, and the development of several ecotourism spots. Conclusion. The construction of knowledge about climate change built by farmers underlies the status of vulnerability to climate change. Vulnerability due to climate change is developed through understanding the locality's internal strengths and weaknesses as well as opportunities and threats from non-local aspects. Efforts to overcome vulnerability must look at farmers' socio-ecological relationships to accommodate local knowledge about ecological shifts and socio-cultural values in society.
Item Type: | Thesis (Disertasi) |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Petani kopi, Konstruksi pengetahuan, status kerentanan, lansekap lokal Coffee farmers, knowledge construction, vulnerability status, local landscape. |
Subjects: | S Agriculture > S Agriculture (General) |
Divisions (Program Studi): | Program Pascasarjana > Ilmu Pertanian |
Depositing User: | Andi Milu |
Date Deposited: | 31 Oct 2024 05:22 |
Last Modified: | 31 Oct 2024 05:22 |
URI: | |