Dahlan, Muhammad Fily Anugerah Fith (2021) Insidensi Kejadian TB Paru Berdasarkan Usia dan Interpretasi Pemeriksaan BTA (Basil Tahan Asam) di RSUD Labuang Baji Makassar Periode Januari 2019 – Desember 2019 = Incidence of Lung TB Based on Age and Interpretation of AFB (Acid Fast Bacili) Test at Labuang Baji Hospital Makassar Period January - December 2019. Skripsi thesis, Universitas Hasanuddin.
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Abstract (Abstrak)
(ID): Latar Belakang: Penyakit Tuberkulosis (TB) masih menjadi salah satu dari 10 penyakit mematikan di dunia. Berdasarkan data dari Kementerian Kesehatan Indonesia Tahun 2019, di Indonesia, Rentang umur yang terkena kasus baru TB paru terkonfirmasi bakteriologis paling banyak adalah umur 45-54 tahun dengan kisaran 19,67% dari seluruh kasus di
Indonesia disusul oleh rentang umur 35-44 tahun dengan kisaran 18,30%, kemudian umur 25-34 dengan kisaran 17,75%, umur 15-24 tahun dengan kisaran 16,51%, umur 55-64 tahun dengan kisaran 9,75%, umur 0-14 tahun dengan kisaran 1,75%. Di Indonesia, jumlah total kasus baru TB paru berjumlah total 255.812 kasus yang didominasi oleh jenis kelamin
laki-laki yaitu 153.904 kasus kemudian diikuti oleh jenis kelamin perempuan yaitu 101.908 kasus. Di Sulawesi Selatan, jumlah kasus baru TB paru terkonfirmasi bakteriologis
berjumlah total 11.547 kasus yang didominasi oleh jenis kelamin laki-laki yaitu 6.930 kasus kemudian diikuti oleh jenis kelamin perempuan yaitu 4.617 kasus.
Tujuan Penelitian: Mengetahui berapa Kasus baru TB paru di RSUD Labuang Baji Makassar Periode Januari 2019 - Desember 2019.
Metode Penelitian: Jenis penelitian yang digunakan oleh peneliti adalah penelitian observasional deskriptif. Penelitian ini menggunakan data sekunder yaitu rekam medik
pasien yang terdiagnosis sebagai TB paru di RSUD Labuang Baji Makassar Periode Januari 2019 - Desember 2019. Dari hasil penelitian ini, didapatkan 126 sampel yang memenuhi
kriteria inklusi peneliti Hasil: berdasarkan 126 sampel yang diteliti, bahwa rentang usia yang paling banyak pada
pasien TB Paru di RSUD Labuang Baji Makassar adalah rentang usia 25-34 tahun dengan frekuensi 32 orang (25,4%), kemudian 35-44 tahun dengan frekuensi 30 orang (23,8%), disusul dengan 45-54 tahun dengan frekuensi 19 orang (15,1%), kemudian 15-24 tahun dengan frekuensi 17 orang (13,5%), kemudian 55-64 tahun dengan frekuensi 15 orang (11,9%), kemudian disusul dengan ≥65 tahun dengan frekuensi 13 orang (10,3%). Interpretasi pemeriksaan BTA yang banyak ditemukan pada pasien TB paru di RSUD Labuang Baji adalah 1+ dengan frekuensi 68 orang (54%), disusul oleh 2+ dengan frekuensi 46 orang (36,5%), kemudian yang paling sedikit adalah 3+ dengan frekuensi 12 orang (9,5%). (EN): Background: Tuberculosis disease is still the one of the 10 deadliest disease in the world. According to the data from Ministry of Health Indonesia in 2019, the highest age group of patients that were diagnosed as a new case of Lung TB positive bacteriology was 45 to 54 years old that were around 19,67%, followed by 25-34 years old that were around 17,75%,
then 15-24 years old that were around 16,51%, 55-64 that were around 9,75%, and the lowest age group patients were 0-14 years old patients that were around 1,75%. In
Indonesia, the total number of new case of lung TB were 255.812 cases that were dominated by men patients that were found 153.904 cases, followed by women patients that
were found 101.908 cases. In South Sulawesi, the number of new cases of lung TB were 11.547 cases that were dominated by men patients that were found 6.930 cases then followed by women patients that were 4.167 cases.
Research Objectives: Identify how many the new cases of Lung TB at Labuang Baji Hospital Makassar period January to December 2019
Research Method: The type of this study that was used by the researcher was observational descriptive study. This study was using secondary data from medical record of patients that were diagnosed of Lung TB in Labuang Baji Hospital Period January 2019 - December 2019. The results of this study, there were 126 samples that met the researcher’s
criteria Results: The samples studied were 126 cases that the most age group that were detected as Lung TB were 25-34 years old as many as 32 people (25,4%), 35-44 years old as many as many as 30 people (23,8%), followed by 45-54 years old as many as 19 people (13,5%), then 15-24 years old as many as 17 people (13,5%), and then 55-64 years old as many as 15 people (11,9%), and the least age group that were ≥65 years old group as many as 13 people (10,3%). The most AFB Interpretation that were found on the Lung TB patient were
1+ as many as 68 people (54%), followed by 2+ as many as 46 people (36,5%), and the least one were 3+ as many as 12 people (9,5%).
Keywords : (ID): TB Paru, Insidensi, Usia, Interpretasi, Pemeriksaan BTA (EN): Lung TB, Insidence, Age, Interpretetion, AFB test
Item Type: | Thesis (Skripsi) |
Subjects: | R Medicine > R Medicine (General) |
Depositing User: | S.Sos Rasman - |
Date Deposited: | 18 Jan 2022 07:27 |
Last Modified: | 18 Jan 2022 07:27 |
URI: | http://repository.unhas.ac.id:443/id/eprint/12501 |